Thursday, June 9, 2011


schools limitations are inevitable all they want you to do is to stick the plan. is it so hard? it is when your trying to express yourself in our lives today. this petty work gets you no where in life it just keeps you busy, tales away from the real things that matter. if you gather the basic knowledge from these classes that we sit through everyday you will be fine. but all the other laborious tasks that the teachers make you go through are just not worth it. they are just here to judge you and your capabilities some of which don't show because you don't care enough to want to make an impression. for me school is turmoil the endless hours of work and study are unbearable. just listening to my teachers drone on and on about something I could care less about is intoxicating. in the end I know it will not matter for what will I have to show if I die tomorrow. although there is life to live in the future I want to live now not tomorrow or the next day but this very moment. I've missed my share of schoolwork gotten fs and ds I truly know i will not make up the work because I don't care what these people think of me. hell I don't care what anybody thinks of me. I will never remember any of these people or what they think of me. truth is these grades will follow me around forever. people will judge me immediately according to this variety of numbers and letters. these things that can ruin a life in a heartbeat.

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